
Color diamonds

Color diamonds. 

Rainbow luxury 

 Colored diamonds is not just beautiful and expensive if a little deeper into the story, it becomes clear that this is a non-standard gem diamonds are most mysteries, associated with many legends and miracles: judge for yourself, blue hope diamond is a Messenger of death, carrier of the curse is truly sinister, bloody brilliant black diamond 'Orlov', a mysterious and deadly dangerous. Yellow diamond with striking Golden Radiance — 'Incomparable' is one of the largest in the world. The Red jewel Emperor Paul, despite the low weight at 10 carats, forever entered the history of. Green diamond 'Dresden' is crystal clear and the only one of its kind, found his appearance due to radiation.

How is the color of a diamond?

 Colored diamonds are the stones that contain micro-particles of metals, for example, pink diamond is the one which contains manganese, Blue diamond is a gem with an admixture of aluminum, the green diamond is a diamond, that has absorbed a chrome, cognac diamonds are diamonds with micro-particles of iron, etc.

Why does the color of a diamond so affect the cost?

 Colored diamonds are more expensive is the axiom. many believe that deal in refinement and rarity of such stones. However, that is not exactly true. Colored diamonds are harder to handle, it can do only by highly qualified and experienced jeweller, This requires special tools. saturated color diamonds 'neutralizes' his brilliance, preventing free penetration of light through the stone besides the color of a diamond is a complex chemical process, often provoked by violation of the atomic structure of a stone so the colored diamonds are almost always discarded, only one tenth of all mined diamonds to Jewelers and is in the process of cut.

How are colored diamonds 

 When it comes to fancy diamonds, weight of the wayside. Most important role when evaluated colored diamonds, are two factors: the hue and tone. Secondary aspects are the richness and evenness of color. The color of a diamond is seen by 27-step scale of shades and 9-speed the tone scale.

Colored diamonds. Fine fashion 

 Fashion for colored diamonds was a sensitive and cautious. Is connected not so much with the expensive rarity of such diamonds. No fashion designer says: 'today's hot red dress, and the trend color of the diamond is pink.'
In addition, colored diamonds are a luxury classic which is out of fashion, out of style, out of time. This is the eternal companions of a life of luxury and beautiful women.

The most expensive and luxurious jewelry

 Diamonds, colored diamonds are clearly enough in terms of rarity, which varies and price. The Red jewel, rich gold and black are the most expensive and rare stones green diamond is a rarity and price. Blue diamond or a gentle Blue diamond — these stones stand in third place followed by pink colored diamonds.
As already mentioned, the colour of a diamond is a defining characteristic, and its weight is of secondary importance. For example, to date the most expensive — it's bloody brilliant ' Hanock '. It weighs a little less than a carat, and was sold for almost $ 900.000.
However, the colored diamonds can be quite cheap. For example, yellow diamond, to be exact — a slightly yellowish colour of the diamond is not too rare. Jewelry with this jewel can be purchased with a discount. While the rich tones of pink diamond is extremely rare and is very expensive.
 Along with yellow, low valued by dissemination of cognac diamonds (brown diamonds).

The color of the diamond could be obtained artificially 

 Today's technologies allow you to create not only a magnificent artificial stones, but also change the color of a diamond with a natural colored diamonds such structure is also very beautiful, but cost much less.
In the laboratory the color of diamonds is not using a dye, and through chemical reactions or physical effects. For example, Brown diamonds come out of flint, stone impact high temperature. In the same way can be obtained by the yellow diamond.
 In addition, color diamond jewelry can be changed using high pressure and the most irradiation simple colored diamonds can be obtained by coating natural stone wrap the desired shade.

Men's jewelry.

Black Diamond now valued highly enough, although I was just a technical materials. Similar color of a diamond is formed by the occurrence of graphite, and only some of the rough stone, evenly colored and smooth, go to the jewelry market. Black diamond, preferred men. After all, there is a perception that colored diamonds are other colors - the prerogative of women, while the strict dark stones will suit anyone, will look mysterious and unusual to attract attention.


  1. You can save color diamonds, fancy colored diamonds by manipulating your color. And Diamonds are found in a variety of colors - steel gray, white, blue, yellow, orange, red, green, pink to purple, brown and black.
    Colour Diamonds

  2. The Gemological Institute of America grades diamond color on a scale of D to Z. Types of How you can save on a diamond by manipulating its color, Fancy Coloured Diamonds low-cost price. The highest quality diamonds are colorless, while those of lower quality have noticeable color, which manifests as pale yellow in diamonds.
    Colour Diamonds

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