
Types of diamonds

Types of diamonds.

 In the world, there is a generally accepted classification of diamonds, which enables you to determine the quality of the stone on four indicators: color, cut, clarity and weight in this article, we'll look at the types of diamonds it is on these four characteristics.
Classification of diamonds for color is assigned a letter corresponding to a stone scale GIA, developed in the United States. The classification of diamonds is the most common, but there are others. The GIA system are colourless or pale yellow stones.

Types of diamonds to GIA:
Classification of diamonds
More saturated, but practically colorless
With almost imperceptible hint of
With a small yellow
Tangibly yellowish stone

Classification of diamonds in the form of cut less stiffer. It is generally accepted that the gems round shape is the most expensive and beautiful. Types of diamonds to be cut out, so it should focus only on the exterior decorations. Gem should shine, play on light wash, it should not be defects and marriage. Gem diamond is, first of all, the inner game of light. If its not then cut quality.
Types of diamonds by purity also designated by letters. Of course, many inclusions can be seen with a magnifying glass, but a conscientious producer always makes a corresponding mark on the product.
 So, the classification of diamonds on clean looks like:
Description of
Classification of diamonds
Without foreign inclusions
Without inclusions, but with some external defects (scratches, cracks)
Minor inclusions that can be seen only jeweler using special equipment
Small inclusions that can be seen through a magnifying glass with increased 10x
Inclusion, easily distinguishable under a magnifying glass 10x
Large inclusions that can be seen without additional equipment

 Types of diamonds in this case are presented in a completely different price categories. Therefore, pay attention to the cleanliness of the need in the first place, since the suggested classification of diamonds almost fully outlines the price range of products – from the most expensive to the cheapest.
Classification of diamonds by weight is simple enough. As is known the stone a diamond mostly appreciated for the number of carats. However, it should be understood that other options are equally important. Big Rock category I (classification of diamonds on purity) can be much more expensive and less attractive than the average, but the FL.
Types of diamonds by weight:
 • To 0.29 carats — small;
• 0.3-0.99  carats — average;
 • 1 Carat is large.

 When it comes to the first group here in the calculation of the remaining weight is only same type of diamonds are assessed in conjunction with other characteristics

Diamond settings.

 Are often two seemingly identical gems are in totally different ways. This raises the logical question is why is it so, that determines the value of diamonds? In this article, we will describe the main characteristics of diamonds, will explain how one item is different from the other.
The main parameters of the diamond is: cut, color, weight and purity of diamonds. English is the four C: cut, color, carat, clarity. It is for the '4C' and graded diamonds.

Diamond shape primarily determines the quality.

   All the characteristics of diamonds are very complex, but it is more difficult for others. the most valuable gem diamonds are round in shape with the 57-th sides. The diamond settings are such that through the upper part of the light passes inside and comes out again, creating shine and unimaginable game highlights. Contrary to the opinion of the, not the shape of the stone is the most important, and the quality of cut and the proportions of the diamond characteristics, specified in the passport of the products, include identification of cut. Most valuable and correct is the one that is indicated by the letter 'a'.

The diamond color is a matter of taste, but not always.

 In determining the quality of the diamond options also include color Jewelry Diamond. in this case, the stones are divided into fantasy and traditional. Traditional diamonds are colorless gemstones (most valuable, clean), as well as diamonds with yellowish diamond characteristics, however, are such that, together with the first group of securities are bright gold, and black diamonds carbonado, are very rare. Fancy-colored diamonds are blue, pink, green, red, and so on. The characteristics of diamonds and cross-checked with the GIA. (D) it is a colorless diamond, and Z is a saturated yellow (Golden). All the diamonds that are placed below the marking Z are fancy.

The value of a diamond depends on the weight.

 Diamond Options include weight, which, as is well known, is measured in carats, one carat is 0.2 grams. parameters of the diamonds in this case: small (up to 0.29 carats), medium (0.3-0.99  carats), large (1 cr.).
 And 'closed' characteristics of diamonds clarity. The jewelry includes the availability of internal and external defects. Discern their help Loupe with magnification 10х and bright light are often external imperfections are corrected by grinding, but it can affect other parameters such as the weight of diamonds, diamond characteristics deteriorate. Transparency of diamonds is determined by GIA international system.

Clean diamonds. 

 This article we offer you useful and detailed table that will help you better navigate the legend tag on jewelry, and also understand how is the purity of diamonds in the table we present the legend of GIA with clarification (the purity of diamonds is estimated to be in the United States) to GIA diamond clarity is denoted by the letters.
Clean diamonds in table:
The GIA system designation with a breakdown of
Free from defects: absolute purity of diamonds
F: Flawless
Minor defects which can be removed by polishing
IF: Internally Flawless
Through the Pavilion with 10x are the smallest inclusions that can be removed by buffing
VVS1: Very, Very Small Inclusions
Through the pad when you increase 10 x are the smallest inclusions that can be removed by buffing
VVS2: Very, Very Small Inclusions
When you increase 10x can be seen with some difficulty small inclusions
VS1: Very Small Inclusions
When you increase 10x can be much easier to detect small inclusions
VS2: Very Small Inclusions
When you increase 10x quite easily detected small inclusion
SI1: Small Inclusions
When you increase 10x very easily detected small inclusions
SI2: Small Inclusions
Include visible even to the naked eye. These defects can affect the quality of the stone, its durability and strength. Sometimes the purity of diamonds so low that lost transparent gem.
I3: Imperfect

From what is diamond clarity? Diamond jewelry is first and foremost a mineral. Therefore, these stones can have a different inclusion of natural origin, as well as surface defects. The purity of a diamond is just the number of inclusions, and than their smaller, so more value is a gem.

How is the weight of a diamond is measured and what.

As you know, the weight of a diamond is measured in carats. The name comes from the seeds that were used to determine the mass of precious stones. Weight Carat is 0.2 grams.
Weight Carat today do not translate to grams. The weight of a diamond is determined by means of special karat weights. With less than 0.01 carat diamonds are diamond little.
 Is a category of rare diamonds — stones auction. Such are considered collectible copies, historical relics, or simply investing. The diamond must be over 6 carats to be put up for auction.
An interesting fact is that the weight of the CT until the end of the 19 century has fluctuated. This was due to the fact that different countries used different equivalents, and the overall measure suggested in the year 1907. The standard introduced by the International Committee for weights and measures. The first country to adopt weight carats in the 0.2 g, became Spain, in 1908. The latest approved, weight carats of Africa, in the year 1923. Now this system of measurement of mass is international.
Determine the weight of a diamond by using weights, and if the stone is placed in a frame, you can do it, use the diamond size. This, of course, possible error.
 Offer you a table matching 'diamond weight/size' data applicable to diamonds cut diamonds, because of the size of the girdle is made (the diameter of the widest part).
The diamond size, mm
Diamond weight, carat
The diamond size, mm
Diamond weight, carat
There is also a more complicated formula that estimated the weight of the diamond. It looks like this:
 Diamond weight (Carat) stone height (mm) x diameter rundista2 (mm) × 0.0061

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