
How to estimate a brilliant independently

How to estimate a brilliant independently

     Certainly, quality of brilliants is very thin characteristic. This semi-precious stone in itself is an embodiment of all of the best, that maybe. However can sometimes seem, that you have overpaid. What to do in that case? How to estimate a brilliant? First of all it is necessary to mention those organizations, for which assessment of brilliants — the main structure. Nevertheless means for their services are not always, and to learn, whether the manufacturer has deceived, very much it would be desirable. We shall tell, how it is possible to estimate about a brilliant in house conditions. However it is necessary to remember, that it will not give precise result, and will allow to be guided only by any specific price range, to represent provisional quality of brilliants.

     As you know, diamonds are the '4C'. It includes the study of weight, color, clarity and cut quality.

     Assess the approximate mass of products, you can apply a table or a special formula to find the material you can in our small article 'how to determine the weight of a diamond is measured and what.' obtained indicator will not be accurate, because the quality of Diamonds Jewelers check using specialized karat weights, the weight is up to hundredths.

    The quality of diamonds is also affected. To evaluate a diamond on this parameter, you need to arm yourself with the Magnifier with magnification 10х. Of course, this is where foreign objects inside the stone or superficial damage are not visible to the naked eye. Diamonds produced in this case very easily, by exploring the stone through a magnifying glass. If inside the gem that is found, contact a professional to assess the diamond. 

     Diamonds on color diamond jewelry inspection is to identify foreign shades of self-censoring instance. Absolutely transparent stone is always higher than with a stranger. Evaluate the diamond in this case is quite difficult. Especially if the gem is in a frame. Best quality diamonds set specialist, however, and with the naked eye you can see imperfections, having carefully studied the stone to light under a magnifying glass, and so on. In addition, diamonds in this case is very simple: If you do not observe the reflections and the play of light, colorful highlights, then surely in the structure of the diamond were stop. In such cases the quality of diamonds is much lower.

    The most difficult is the evaluation of a Diamond cutter. 'By eye' you can see very little. For example, you can understand, symmetrical stone or not, try to count the number of faces. Quality diamonds on this criterion, as cut, it is very difficult to assess. Especially, if the stone is small — it even reveal the number of faces will be difficult, not to mention the measuring of angles and calculate the ratios of different parts of the gem. On this indicator to assess the diamond only for certain specialist.
A word about the quality of the diamonds at home test you can. First of all it refers to testing for durability, gloss and symmetry checks, installation of weight. Due to the quite simple manipulation you will appreciate the brilliant enough around to find only the gross violations of the rules, clear defects and significantly lower weight than indicated on the label. The exact same score diamonds is performed by professionals who use specialized equipment and have many years of experience. These specialists are in reputable stores where large sums of money to contain the present masters of jewels. Small shops may not pay big money, and the traders in the market can and does not speak.

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